I remember the very first time I went to a young adult Catholic event, which happened to be a Theology on Tap. The event consisted of listening to a speaker on some aspect of the Catholic faith and afterwards, everyone was invited to socialize over pizza and beer.
I had all the normal thoughts and questions associated with going to something like this for the first time. What’s this going to be like? Who should I go with? If none of my friends can make it, should I go by myself? Do I even belong at something like this? What if it’s way too churchy and I feel uncomfortable?
Despite all of those initial doubts about attending, there was something inside of me that was very curious and open to the possibility that I might enjoy it. After all, my faith is and has always been extremely important to me. Not to mention, I’ve always liked meeting new people and learning new things.
After some thought, I came to the conclusion that I would give it a try. Plus, the event was offering pizza and beer, so how bad could it possibly be? Don’t get me wrong, I was still a bit hesitant. But I figured if I was having a terrible time, I could always bail by sneaking out the back door or finding the nearest exit.
My decision to go to Theology on Tap a few years ago was one of the best decisions I have ever made. What I found there was something new and different, something I had never experienced before. The speaker was not too churchy, but rather, his message was inspirational and down to earth. Afterward, I remember sitting outside in the summer, beer in hand, with people that believed the same things that I did. People who wanted to better their relationship with God and better themselves the way I wanted to. People who were different than anyone I had ever met before. People who I now can call my friends.
It is with the help of God and those people that I can attribute my strengthened faith. Looking back, saying yes to the invitation to attend Theology on Tap was a turning point for me as a Catholic and was the start of something great.
You’re probably wondering what this has to do with Lent. My first Theology on Tap experience was a few months after a Lenten season where I was searching for renewal. I didn’t know exactly where to go or what to do that Lent, beyond giving up pop, the one thing I can honestly admit that I’m addicted to. Lent is a time for growth, reflection, and sacrifice to bring yourself closer to God. I wanted my renewal experience to last beyond Easter Sunday that year, and I’m very happy to tell you that it has.
It’s that time of year again. Whatever you do this Lent, be sure to have an open heart and remember that God is always providing us with opportunities like the one I just told you about to lead us to Him.
Bio: Jennifer Purbaugh lives in Griffith, Indiana and is a member of St. Mary’s Parish in Griffith. She is a graduate of Purdue University Calumet and currently works at a local bank.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing your story! I had a similar story in my young adult years. My and a friend went to our first event. It was Mass and a social. We just came for the social to "check it out". We met some great people and I've been involved with young adult ministry ever since. I now work for them so you never know where saying "yes" will lead.