Mike Hayes is the author of the blog GooglingGod.com and a book by the same name. He founded the website BustedHalo.com and continues to contribute to it as their Senior Editor. He now serves full time as a Campus Minister at St Joseph University Parish where they serve the students at The University at Buffalo. Mike is married to the lovely Marion, they live in their dog Haze's house in Amherst, NY.
Lent is all about cleaning out the clutter of our lives. Perhaps we eliminate the things that distract us from caring for the least of our brothers and sisters or rid ourselves of objects that weigh us down from being more open, healthier and centered on Christ.
Whatever the case, Cardinal George told a group of us at World Youth Day (and I'll paraphrase) that even for those of us who are active in parishes, there is something that keeps us from committing totally to Jesus, from trusting that God can really be all that we need.
Do I like my stuff so much that I ignore the fact that someone else might need that extra coat in my closet? Do I spend more time accumulating things, that I forget about spending time with my spouse, family or friends?
I fear the answer is often "Yes." So I have decided to clear out my closet of things that I simply don't need, maybe even things I don't use. I even started early and made this a 50 day giveaway. I'm finding that there's a lot that I really don't need and it's been easier to let go of some things than I thought. But if something is very hard to let go of, than perhaps that's what is keeping me from being a true disciple.
This Lent let us pray that we find something that is keeping us from a better relationship with Christ and with our community. And then let us pray that we can rid ourselves of that as well.
I like that fifty day give away, but for me, it's not the material stuff that weighs me down. As a new mom, we rarely have any $$$ to buy anything besides food (which is a total blessing). I got rid of my credit cards before the baby was born, and we had to dejunk, dejunk when we moved into a new space. I'm not saying we couldn't simplify more and give of our excess; after all, I have skinny clothes that need to find a new home. Yet, what I see my husband and I hoarding is time and ourselves.
ReplyDeleteI can't remember the last time I conversed face-to-face with people (who were also super busy) or a person, for more than a few minutes (well, OK, it was yesterday because I was so delighted someone was taking the time to talk at work).
I have a Granma who sits by the phone waiting to talk to anyone, friends that are going through bad split ups or are unemployed. They could use the time and friendship.
I think we, I, hunger for this old-school connection. Or we wouldn't Facebook old friends from high school or chat in whatever the new trend is. But, there's something off when 98% of the happy birthdays I get are online, when the people "birthdaying" are across the hall or around the corner. And think their duty is done. (What happened to my birthday hugs? (()) Just doesn't cut it.)
This Lent I'm giving away my time to RL people.