We are called to allow the Scripture, Jesus' presence in the Word of God, to scrutinize our lives.
We are called to recognize ourselves, in the woman at the well, thirsting for living water. We are called to recognize ourselves, in the man blind from birth, in need of the Light of the world. We are called to recognize that we too are dead, until we recognize Jesus, the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
Each of these stories shows movement from unbelief to deep faith in Jesus as Messiah. Lent is also an opportunity to move toward better knowing ourselves, our best and worst qualities, thereby strengthening our relationship with God. We shed light on that which we would rather keep under wraps in order to move forward, to bring it to Christ heal and improve it. We also expose the best parts of ourselves, offer them to God for strengthening and blessing, in order to move further on our journey of faith.
Whether or not your parish has Elect preparing to enter the Church at the Easter Vigil, allow the Word of God at these three Masses to search your heart and help you move toward the Resurrection.
Elise Ainsworth is the Director of the Kateri Center for Young Adult Ministry in the Western Suburbs. She loves to cook and eat, read and sleep, laugh and play but more often than not, spends too much time in her car.
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