We all live in an ‘instantaneous’ society! We have everything at our fingertips. We become so engrossed in our careers and social lives that we often forget to look beyond our agendas and ‘give back’ and do for others throughout the year. Lent is a time of spiritual renewal. A time to slow down, take a step back and change ourselves for the better! Lent isn’t just about inner renewal. It can also be an excellent time to look ‘outside’ ourselves and find opportunities to be a better person, by helping others in need or giving back in some way to our own communities. Jesus said it best in scripture: “Do Unto Others As You Would Have Them Do Unto You” and “Love Your Neighbor As Yourself” It is that simple! Giving back to others can be as simple as being a better listener to friends or family members; Calling someone for no reason just to see how they are doing; Visit an elderly neighbor or parishioner; send a card to someone who has been sick. These simple acts are ways we can follow in Jesus’ loving example and live our own lives for others all year long! Helping others can be fun and rewarding for all parties involved! Jesus teaches us that everyone has a gift to give and share! What people don’t realize is that living for others can involve the activities that you enjoy doing! There are so many organizations within our parishes and city communities that could use your help. It doesn’t matter if you have an hour or 20 hours a week to give. Simply think of activities you enjoy. If you love to read or do crafts, maybe help with Sunday School; If you love to cook, bake some cookies or goodies for a local food pantry. If you love to talk, visit someone in a nursing home or become a lector! If you want to help your local community, call the Red Cross; If you love to write, write to our Military serving overseas. The possibilities to live a life of giving are ENDLESS!!! There is no better feeling than giving of your talents and your time! When people around you notice that you are extending yourself to others, it will only encourage them to do the same!! Remember, use Lent to help yourself slow down and reflect on how you can start living a life for others as Jesus did.
Lori Adler currently lives in Crown Point, Indiana. Lori moved to NW Indiana about 5 years ago from Southern Indiana. She is currently a member of St. Mary’s Parish in Crown Point and serves on the Parish Council and is a co-leader for the Young Adult group. She also is a volunteer for St. Mary's Food pantry, the Welcoming Committee and recently joined the Red Cross Chapter of NW Indiana as a volunteer. Lori spends part of her days working in Marketing for MyEmployment Options, a company that assists disabled citizens on Social security benefits help in reaching their employment goals. In her spare time, you will find Lori volunteering, spending time with her friends and family, thrift shopping, or attending country music concerts!
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